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The understanding of metaphysical vibrational energy is still in its infancy, hence the confusion and scepticism in many quarters concerning its many of its functions. Fortunately, this is not the case in the fields of both the complementary and alternative lifestyles where there is a greater understanding and acceptance. This is because those active within these fields have experienced vibrational energy whether it was through their personal life or work. Therefore vibrational energy forms one of the corner stones of the mind body spirit sector of society. Remember, this is nothing new and working with vibrations is an ancient craft, which manipulates specific energies, which are raised through either name or intent. The manner in which these specific energies are raised is dependent upon the culture and mindset of the manipulator, an example is the eastern practice of Feng Shui. Who were/are these manipulators? People like you and me. We all have the ability within us to connect to our natural abilities, our inherited gifts to manipulate the vibrational energy to manifest our desires in order to nourish and enhance our lives. The shamen, witch doctors, medicine men, witches, warlocks, priestesses, magicians, holy men and alchemists are all showing us the way. It has long been recognised that interest in these ancient practices has increased dramatically over the last decade. Those traditions that have survived the aeons are now coming through and forming the backbone of complementary therapies, which are gradually entering and being accepted by the mainstream orthodox world. Such therapies as acupressure, kinesiology, shiatsu and reflexology work with and use the natural kinetic energy, which is found in every cell within the human body to clear blockages.
Essentially, vibrational energy is produced by the movement of molecules that are made up of atoms - particles so small they cannot be seen without specialist equipment. These particles are bonded together to form molecules, which produce matter, the stuff you can see and touch. From the metaphysical perspective, the more the molecules move per milli- or microsecond, the lighter the matter (a millisecond is one thousandth and a microsecond is a one millionth of a second). Accordingly, the lower the vibrational energy, the denser the matter. The electromagnetic spectrum gives a clear picture of vibrational energy and is also one of the mediums used by Spirit to make itself known to us. One of the things it shows is how vibrational energy can form patterns from sound and produce colour. The vibrational energy of an aura is responsible for producing the body, and some people have a natural ability to see this process going on. The aura has a very important function in the process of working with Spirit: it acts as an early warning system and can sense and identify whether the vibrational energy of an incorporeal being is compatible or not. This has nothing to do with the issue the devil and evil.
If the vibrational energy if the incorporeal being is not compatible to our own, our auras are responsible for letting us know by triggering one of the two basic emotions we have, love or fear. If our fear emotion is triggered we go into fear mode and we feel fear. It is at this time we need to be grounded so we can have the presence of mind to ether repeat the mantras, ground ground, ground, or nothing can help harm or heal me but myself, or use the vibrational energy sliding scale to neutralise the situation. A low energy isn’t to be equated with evil, negativity or any other such concept. Instead it is associated with dark matter and dark energy, the stuff that goes to make up the cosmos and without it we wouldn’t exist!
I have devised a sliding scale of matter based on mass density (MD) based on molecules movement per milliseconds (MM/Ms) and which works on exactly the same principles as the grounding scale. I personally visualise and manipulate this scale to help automatically change my vibrational energy but it can be used physically. By using the scale you can increase or decrease your natural vibrational energy rate (VER) to meet of any incorporeal being that you encounter and has a different VER to that of yours. This either eliminates or reduces a collision and going into fear mode.
Sliding Scale of Mass Density for VER
MD -0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+
MM/Ms 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
The less there is MD, the stronger the VER the more the VER can be felt. The more the MD the less the VER can be felt. Elementals have different VERs to humans and they are not usually compatible because of the power of Spirit. Say, for argument’s sake, that most people’s MD fluctuates between 6 and 8; this means their VER is between 40 and 20 mm/ms. The MD of the guide, angel or loved one you have agreed to work with is between -0 and 6 (it has been known for spirit to manifest itself to the mass density of physical presence). This is the domain of subatomic particles and metaphysics. Using the scale will enable you to reduce your MD to 6 or less. When finished, your MD will automatically revert to its normal VER.
You identify your VER by using a pendulum identify your ‘yes’ and ‘no’ by noting which way the pendulum swings, then put your index figure from either hand on each VER number between 40 and 20 mm/ms. When the pendulum swings to ‘yes’ you will have identified your Md/ mm/ms. You identify an elementals VER by asking “what is the VER of the elemental I have chosen to work with”. Go through the same procedure as above but start between 100 and 40. If nothing go 10 to 0 mm/ms
The scale cannot override your higher-self or your contractual blue print. This means that you can use the scale and still experience sensations of fear. Under such circumstances it is really important to remember that you have undergone the process of balancing of karma or are going through a learning curve that involves an elemental - it doesn’t mean the scale doesn’t work. So focus on the achievement rather than going into blame mode and you will find your next experience to be enjoyable.
Identification and exploration of energy is one thing, but energy products that do not rely on the electric mains supply or any material form is another. I am presently working on the 3rd generation of meditation vibrational energy products.
© Elizabeth Francis 2010
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