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As a professional psychic, I am often presented with the challenges that walk hand in hand with the issue of personal development. However, what I can only describe as the after shocks that occur as a result a person committing to becoming the best of who they are can often be more challenging and confusing that the process itself.
One of my regular clients phoned saying she was becoming concerned and confused as to a pattern of incidences that she had identified was developing and it was giving her concern. This lady was a successful intelligent, astute women who had started to walk the paths of spiritually and personal development. Within a relatively short time of her starting her journey she had noticed a shift of dynamics in the people that she had been interacting with both at work and in her social circle. The result of this shift was that her friends, colleagues and peers who she had been interacting with for years had started to irritate her with what she considered to be their insensitivity and a general lack of aforethought as to the consequences their own actions could have on those around them. The phrase that she used was “they are not joining up the dots”.
My client went on to explain that for the life of her she could give no justifiable reason as to why she was starting to experience emotions that that ranged from irritation to anger when talking to them. She knew she was reacting irrationally but could do nothing about it.
It was obvious that my client was aware that she hers was being shown something in the experience, even to the extent that she herself wasn’t joining up the dots with regard to this matter, but was at a loss as to why she herself couldn’t apply the same process to herself and succeed in doing so.
My client continued to explain she considered these people to be like-minded, long standing friends whom she loved and thoroughly enjoyed their company, or colleagues with whom she had worked with for years and had overall, enjoyed a productive relationship with.
However, over the last six weeks or so she had seen a different side to many of these people, she saw that they were working on a very shallow level, a level that she had never seen before, couldn’t relate to and didn’t particularly like. As a result, she was finding it increasingly difficult to cope, and felt that she was continually walking against the tide and that there had been no let up. However, simultaneously she had been drawn to some members in the work place that she had never had anything in common with and was starting to learn to discover what she had conserved to be their hidden potential.
At this point, I received a message from Spirit which came in question form “What did you expect to happen once you started your personal journey of self development?” There was silence down the phone and then my client gave a very honest answer, “I didn’t expect anything to happen”.
Spirits response was “You have forgotten the fundamental law of the universe, which is that of cause and effect. How can you expect to change the dynamics of who you are without it affecting your perspective with regard to how you see those around you?”
Rather irritated at this response my client answered, “Of course I can’t, I wanted changed which is why I started to the personal growth process to begin with”. Spirit went “And you have done very well, in fact you have exceeded your own expectations, and as a consequence the people you refer to are now reflecting who you were and the people you are seeing with new eyes are mirroring who you are becoming now”
There was a silence and I saw my client mentally joining the dots. Then she responded with ‘oh my God, this stuff really works doesn’t it”. My response was “Yep”, welcome to the club.
“So all the irritating traits I have been noticing in others such as not listening, interrupting, being patronising, non-cooperative and inconsiderate are in fact who I was and to a certain extent still am”.
Spirit confirmed this was the case. “And those who are able to listen, are cooperative and are not dismissive of another input are providing me with guidance as to what I need to work toward becoming”.
Spirit went on to say that this was so, she was in the process of peeling off the first layer and as she did so the second was being exposed. As a consequence, to this process my client was becoming more sensitive to and aware of her surroundings and those in it. Spirit said that the actions of those working on the shallow level were those of the disempowered. The second layer represented those who were starting the process of empowerment, and as they did so they were separating themselves from those working on the shallow level. That if she continued her personal development her spiritual self would come more into play and as it did she would enter the third layer, and on it would go, with each layer revealing more about who she was and as she was being led to whom she could become. That this was an ongoing process made possible by everyone, irrespective of which layer they were working through, acting not only as a mirror for everyone else, she included, but also involved the process of refraction since we are all waves of energy, and energy cannot be destroyed or created, hence its ability to transfigure. Spirit went on to explain that it was the process of refraction and not reflection that provided the ability for person to shift their position and gain a different perspective. That without that shift the process of reflection or mirroring cannot come into its own.
My client thanked me for the messages and said she had a lot to think about, since she was starting to understand the enormity of the task, a tasking she was really looking forward to undertaking now that she understood the process involved. A process that she would try not to take personally as she was receiving the information about herself that those around her were unwittingly giving her.
My client responded by saying that this process had given her greater understanding as to how she would interact with her friends and colleagues who were function on the shallow level in the future. That she now realised she had been very judgmental of them and that by doing so meant that she had been hypercritical, especially bearing in mind that she herself had spend so much time on the shallow layer and had no right to judge those who resided there.
Spirit went on to say that the shallow layer was an essential part of both personal and spiritual development since it was the starting point, and without which the it would be impossible to identify the second and third layers. That everyone had a purpose in life and for some it was to maintain the shallow layer, It was important to recognise that no one purpose was more or less important than another, since we all relied on each other to walk the paths we tread.
If there is an interaction with an individual who you have had difficulty in discovering the purpose of it, there are several different readings that are available on my website that can assist.
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