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From a spiritual perspective, genuine and authentic happiness is when your mind, body, spirit, and your soul are at one with life. This can happen on its own accord, or you can create such an alignment through your own thoughts, words, and deeds.
The resulting vibration when happy resonates throughout your body, and as it does so it literally raises your spirits. Your physical response shines through an involuntary smile and laughter, and your body relaxes.
Happiness can bring forth feelings of extreme happiness, where you enter a state of ecstasy, an overwhelming emotion that takes you outside of your body and into a state of transcendence known as seventh heaven. Such is its power, that happiness can temporally or permanently change your perspective, increase your awareness, and expand your consciousness within a nanosecond.
One of the triggers of happiness is the colour yellow. It is associated with feelings of joy, sunshine, warmth, freedom, courage, gut feeling, intelligence, and hope, enables enlightenment, and boosts your metabolism and your mental faculties.
Yellow is also associated with the Manipura, the third chakra, and governs your confidence, self-esteem, your ability to assert and hold your personal power. It also influences your second chakra, Svadhisthana, which is the colour orange. Being a mixture of red and yellow, this chakra manages and reflects your feelings and is connected to the emotional subtle body of your aura, which is associated with joy and happiness.
When your chakras are balanced and your is aura clear and cleansed you feel lighter, happier, and more content. Another trigger for happiness is yoga which has poses for various forms of happiness. These three triggers can influence both your inner and outer states of happiness for the better.
From an earthlier perspective, genuine and authentic happiness is a state of mind that is produced by the happy gene which is responsible for producing serotonin.
The gene comes in two versions, those with the longer version tend to be happier than those with the shorter one. Serotonin along with the other happy hormones produced by your brain, are essential to your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. One of these happy hormones is dopamine, which plays a key role in addiction, and when released with serotonin enables you to feel happiness in your body.
Your DNA sequencing also has a role to play in the search for happiness. It is unique to you, which means that you have your own brand of happiness pulsating within you waiting to be triggered by internal and external forces held within the environment within which you live. These include your inherited personality traits, life experiences as well as your thoughts, words, and deeds all of which help you shape how you respond. It is your uniqueness that dictates what makes you happy and what doesn’t.
Everyone is unique therefore what is right for you, won’t be for another, in other words, one person’s happiness is another’s sorrow and therefore there is no one size that fits all when it comes to what makes people happy, a fact that needs to be recognised, tolerated and respected.
Whether you view happiness from a spiritual or earthly perspective or both, it is a powerful, complex, multi-layered emotion that involves feelings of joy, fulfilment, contentment, satisfaction, and much, much more.
Furthermore, the desire for this power influences all your decision-making in every aspect of your life, whether it is your career, relationships, health or through your personal finances. Therefore, when you are genuinely happy you develop a greater understanding and higher meaning to not just your life, but life itself. Yet for all this and the huge role happiness plays in everyone’s life, it remains remarkably elusive and therefore, misunderstood, and the many misnomers circulating around happiness only add to the confusion.
Apart from the myth that materialism can make you happy, it is sometimes difficult to discern between authentic, genuine, and fake, disingenuous happiness irrespective of whether it is internal or external. Genuine, authentic happiness comes from who you are and spawns contentment, whereas fake, disingenuous happiness makes you feel lacking as an individual and unhappy despite the fact you achieve everything you thought would make you happy and leaving you wondering why.
Genuine, authentic happiness is created by nature, nurture, and a general acceptance of self, whilst working to become the best of who you are on a daily basis. When inner happiness and contentment are obtained, you are allowing external happiness to unfold of its own accord in the process.
However, unless you are prepared to get to know yourself and discover what makes you happy, you become reliant upon others, and this makes you incredibly vulnerable. Expectation also has a role to play in this. If they are too high, they are unreachable, if they are too low, you can never achieve your goal.
Furthermore, unless the happiest of souls remember that life is made up of moments within which the ebbs and flows of life are played out, they are placing themselves in a false sense of security. Since happiness comes with no guarantees, it can raise you up to the heavens in less than a second, and the loss of it can throw you into the pits of despair in less than a nanosecond.
So, perhaps the best way to manage to be happy in life is to acknowledge materialism as a red herring whilst accepting that there will be times in your life when you are happy and that there will be times when you are not. Work through unhappy times to stop yourself from getting stuck in them and by doing so you are proving to yourself that being unhappy doesn’t mean you will never be happy again, you will, and it will just be a different and better version of what happiness is to you.
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