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While watching the golden chested weavers placidly feeding in my garden recently, I suddenly thought how lovely it was to just take the time for this as it seems that the world and all the vast multitude of affairs that fill the lives of people, is moving faster and faster, well actually it is not the world really, but people themselves who get caught up in the frenetic pace of today's working environment with meetings and schedules to meet, contracts to fulfill by a certain deadline, work, staff, and union problems and a hundred other things to attend to. Of course vast numbers of people have to work to earn a income but one should still try to find the time, even if only for a few minutes, to step off and away from the churning wheel of the daily round and find some quiet time to rest mind and body, take a walk through a park or a lovely forest or sit by a murmering stream.
If you have the time on a weekend take a hike through a green valley or up a mountain trail or sit on a deserted beach in the very early dawn and watch the sun rising over the ocean. But the reality is that very few people do these things and the blame can be placed squarely on the pull of technology, specifically cell phones, i-phones, etc, and it is not only the young, men and women in their 40's, 50's and 60's are just as addicted. Granted, these mobile communication devices are today a essential requirement for work, but nevertheless people on the whole just cannot sit still to admire a gorgeous flower or a sunset, they have to reach impulsively for their mobile phone unable to resist that addictive pull.
The awesome wonder of our beautiful world is lost on them, their lives generally caught up in this miracle of technology, white-washed by a ceaseless hunger for all that is news./ Face book, twitter, instagram, the internet, these are the new frontiers today, the inexorable swelling of the river of scientific knowledge.
Of course this naturally has its place in our world for without the push and advance of science over the centuries mankind would not be able to be where he is today. The benefits of science in so many fields have been astronomical, but the truth is we should not forget that behind the outer concrete form lies the dynamic inner spirit essence of all that is, and all that is to be, that every innovation in the world had its origin in the cosmic mind. But despite all the ongoing technology it must be said though that there is a gathering ground swell everywhere for the appreciation of the beauty of our world and in a sense technology has and is aiding in this through the use of film, video and documentaries via the medium of TV.
One has the sense that the divine powers are utilizing technology as well to bring to mankind the awesome beauty of the natural world and through this to instill in people the vital need to preserve mother nature in all its many forms, as well as the wild animal life, a heritage for the future and the far future. After all, the great cosmic mind of the creator caused our Earth to be manifest and all its diverse life forms for man to act as its stewards, as protectors, but sadly this has not been the case. Hopefully, as mankind evolves spiritually the protection of all that is will become again a priority.
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