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This Earthly sojourn is but one of many in a long, long series in differing bodies of expression all for the sole purpose of the spirit's evolution, uncountable milleniums of learning in the vast symphony of that eternal life in whom man lives, moves and has his being. That inscrutable, ageless life about whom naught may be said other than that it is supernal cosmic love and who sounds the note of each new age and thereafter all the waves of evolution from the elemental to the human, proceed further sounding each their own individual vibratory note composing in total the the great song of the Logos.
Of course not all the notes are harmonious for the interplay of the negative and the destructive is as much a part of that symphony, nevertheless the light, the good and the positive will always be the greater for it is the matrix, the very essence of that vast Being who holds in His hands ALL that is.
As we learn to live as a conscious soul, to become a ever more perfect expression of the indwelling, undying divine Self, so are we permitted closer approach to the shrine of the holy of holy's and drawn that little bit deeper into the light of the Ineffable.It is a undisputed truth that where once we were 'blind and deaf', but now we travel the highways and byways of life with hugely augmented senses. The more one spends in meditation and quiet contemplation and being of service to others, the more will the essence of the inner divine self shine outwardly. It could be however that you may not be aware on a physical level, of this outward shining, and there would be a reason for this, which only a Master or adept would know.
But this is of no consequence really, the main thing is that you have set your feet consciously on the path of return (as the spiritual Masters term it )
As this happens its amazing how other things, particularly on the physical level, seem to slot into place and how for instance the fragrance of the earth and the air after a thunderstorm fill the body with renewed vitality, what was once an insignificant little flower in a rocky crevice shines like a jewel, the early morning dew on grass, leaf and petal radiate like gems, the call of the dove in the solitude of the forest resounds in mind and heart and one feels a kinship with all that is, so much so that we know we cannot cause the least harm to any aspect of life. As the late Clare Cameron, editor of the Science of Thought Review in the UK and a extraordinary poet and visionary wrote:-
" A larger land beyond our low horizons in all its unimagined mystery lies.
We long for it yet secretly we fear it, its light to bright for unaccustomed eyes". In these demanding and highly stressful times it is imperative that we hold fast to the indwelling life. It is so easy to fall prey to the chaos and devastation all over the world, to feel begrimed and broken in heart and spirit and wonder of what use is all our meditations and prayers especially as we are confronted on a almost daily basis with mans inhumanity to man and the utter cruelty and total disregard for the sanctity of life so that one feels helpless and bewildered. But we really need not feel so for has this rampaging evil been able to cloak the radiance of the sun, to extinquish the movements of the celestial spheres? This evil is insignificant when measured against the Divine Power which is cosmic love in expression.
Therefore we need to hold this great truth before our eyes in letters of fire and know that ultimately ALL is well, that divine purpose is proceeding regardless and that the supreme aim of Almighty God and the Spiritual Masters in the Millenia to come for the Brotherhood of man, will be attained.
The poet Anna Morduch, wrote the following:-
'Though the way through the cycles of time is long
from the green cupped acorn to the oak towering strong,
yet hid in the fruit of the parent tree
lies shape and branch and the fruit to be.
In the apple pip in the sheltering Earth
is imprinted the plan of all future birth.
The spring cloud of blossom, the fruit ripe and round,
all come from the pip that lies in the ground.
Though heaven vaults high above earths travail
and Godhead seems far for man to scale,
yet in the riddle of great and small
lies the secret of man with the ALL.
As seed we are sown in Earths dark ground
buried and blind till the secret is found
of life and death and of lives to be.
We are buried seed AND the light crowned tree.
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