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In the early 1800's one of the greatest of French poets, a gentleman named Alphonse de Lamartine, wrote, "what is our life but a series of preludes to that unknown song whose first and solemn note is sounded by death./" I wonder if he knew or realized how close he was to the revelation of the souls immortality and its step by step progression through life after life, indeed, as he so beautifully expresses it; from prelude to prelude. This Earthly sojourn is but one of many in a long, long series in differing bodies of expression all for the sole purpose of the spirits evolution, uncountable milleniums of learning in the vast symphony of that eternal life in whom we live and move and have our being; that inscrutable, ageless life about whom naught may be said and who sounds the note of each new age.
As we learn to live as a conscious soul, to endeavor to become an ever more perfect expression of the indwelling, undying higher self, through years of meditation and service, through embracing what it is to be compassionate, kind and loving souls and through trying to see the divine in all life's varied expressions, so are we permitted closer approach to the shrine of the Holy of Holy's and drawn that little bit deeper into the radiant light of the
ineffable. The fragrance of the earth and the air after a thunderstorm fills the body with renewed vitality; what was once an insignificant little flower in a rocky crevice now shines like a jewel, the early morning dew on grass, leaf and petal radiate like gems and it is not difficult to feel a kinship with all that is. So whenever in doubt or feel worn down by life's many problems and obstacles, we should remember our revelations when the gates of the divine opened briefly and we knew a light, a love and a serenity beyond compare.
As the late Clare Cameron, 1970's editor of the Science of thought Review in
Sussex, England, and a extraordinary poet and visionary, wrote; A larger land beyond our low horizons in all its unimagined mystery lies, we long for it yet secretly we fear it, its light too bright for unaccustomed eyes".
It is so easy to fall prey to the chaos and devastation around us, to mans inhumanity to his fellow man, to feel we cannot carry on, to feel broken in heart and spirit, and begrimed and to wonder of what use is all our prayers, our meditations against this rampaging evil. But, and here's this truly wonderful thing, this evil has never ever been able to, and never will be able to besmirch the beauty of nature, to cloak the light and warmth of the sun, to extinguish the movements of the celestial spheres./ This evil is insignificant when measured against that ageless divine power which is cosmic love in expression. And so, here, in this thought, with this great truth one can regain inner strength and faith.Hold this before your eyes in letters of fire and know that ultimately, all is well, that divine purpose IS proceeding and that this Aquarian age will bring about the longed for brotherhood of man.
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