Another chance to attend this incredible new workshop levels 1 & 2
*Improve your memory *Raise Your energy *Enhance your power!
"Fantastic!" I really enjoyed this course, thank you so much"
"Literally out of this world!" "Just brilliant thank you"
"The energy was amazing, I am still buzzing!"
"This is going to help me so much with my clients, thank you"
" I cannot wait for the next levels" Everyone keeps mentioning how much my energy has changed!"
"Absolutely loved it, it exceeded what I was expecting to get out of the weekend. Bring on level 3 and 4 I’m still buzzing from the weekend. Thank you Dawn"
This is a practical course helping you to ride an amazing energy vortex, breakthrough barriers and ascend by expanding your consciousness with individual and group exercises. With graphics and video presentations plus demonstrations, this high frequency course will explain what is happening in the Universe and how far you can utilize your own power
There is no commitment to attend future courses but they must be attended in order. Students can attend when they feel ready to move to the next level
Investment for the weekend is £190 which includes lunch on both days
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