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I have had many jobs and many life experiences that I have learnt and grown from through my years. From the answers I found, I wrote a book, in the hope it will help people find answers to their lives and to help give some comfort that we are all going through trials and tests, that there can be light at the end of the tunnel! My book is called Where Do We Begin and if you decide to read it I truly hope you enjoy it. It is still available from Amazon either in paperback or on Kindle. All of the profits for this book I donate to different charities. I do this as I believe that what I have written is to help others and not for my gain. Following on from Where Do We Begin I created a blog to expand on what I had written and to answer the many questions I seemed to have raised in so many people's lives. I called this blog How Do We Begin and it is freely available for all to re and comment.
Expanding on my Spiritualism is my love of Tarot Divination. I find the cards are an extremely effective way of reaching deep into the real questions you have in your life, especially if you are not sure what the questions are. Using the cards to counsel people on their worries, concerns and decision making is something I take very seriously. I do not claim to be able to tell you your fortune like some or even give you specific answers as I do not believe the cards are here for that. I will however, help you come to conclusions and understand your questions and life goals with the enegy you come to me with.
I hope I can help you on your journey and I look forward to hearing from you
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