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Shadow Memories are those negative subconscious thoughts we have learned to believe from birth or even in the womb, just think what one of the first things the midwife says to the new mum, be careful support the babies head. Obviously good advice which gets reiterated when dad gets baby be careful support the head, just think of the fearful feelings most pregnant women have, is baby going to healthy etc, etc.
So throughout pregnancy and a babies early months the feeling of fear permeates everywhere it’s no wonder a sense of fear can be implanted into a child’s mind. Not everyone child will be effected by theses shadow memories in fact with all the good memories and positive messages children get in a balanced family unit most children have no problems.
That’s what I thought until the lockdown years I was absolutely stunned by how quickly virtually everyone at least in western society completely got themselves into a state of fear. This fear in most people was irrational until you consider could the shadow memories of all our childhoods been triggered, the way virtually everyone was so fearful is hard to understand.
I’ve seen how these deep rooted shadow memories affect people with PTSD or things like depression and it was when seeing how lifting these memories was so enlightening.
If like me you begin to see how shadow memories can affect us you maybe interested in my new creation the Balance Labyrinth Concept.
I brought together the energy of my technique The Balance Procedure with the energy of Labyrinths and have a hard copy hand held image that can be used to address this shadow memory issue.
You can obtain a copy on my website
We can’t allow the world to feel that fearful again. Alan Cox
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