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Mother Earth has provided us with a wealth of utensils to help us not just survive, but thrive and evolve as well. However, in recent times, European legislation is causing us to disconnect further from the healing properties of plants and plant based healing. Looking at the arts of herbalism, homeopathy, aromatherapy and the many other forms of plant based therapy, legal barriers are being implemented which are obstructing the work that professionals can do reaching the masses with these therapies. We may agree/disagree with what is occurring; write protest letters and sign petitions yet still the legal wheels turn in government favour to prevent complementary medicine whilst endorsing tobacco and alcohol sales to numb the populous.
Shamans believe the world is as we dream it but this nightmare unfolding through the political system is not my dream, does not reflect the work I do and the healing results I see when working with plant spirit medicine as a Shamanic healer. The work therefore becomes even more sacred and important to prevent further restrictions. Our lands were once filled with wise people working closely with nature and using the knowledge to heal, but it seems that what the Church failed to do in the witch hunts and burnings of past, the Governments will now continue in the present day with legislation. We have seen a conscious rise on a large scale of individuals wishing to relearn our ancestral knowledge of plants and work from an intuitive and sacred place of listening to the plants themselves and what they can teach us if we are ready to listen.
I have sat with Shamans in Peruvian jungles
whose connection to plant spirit is so strong that the conversations are almost audible. I have worked with teacher plants and seen first-hand the amazing healing and transformation that can occur. The more work I do, the more I realize that although there is important work to be done with the visionary plants; in fact all plants are teacher plants and the effects whether subtle or life changing from working with indigenous plants from our land is vital for us to have knowledge of our earth.
The innate healing power of plants can be utilized to benefit our physical, mental and spiritual well-being, so it is essential that we explore the many different therapeutic aspects of plants ranging from medicinal and edible healing plants to the healing energies of trees. We need to meet with the spirits of the woods and forests, glades and meadows. We need to listen to the messages from the plants and journey to find their wisdom. My work is to combine the powerful healing of Shamanism with the inspiration and inner awareness of Plant Spirit work to awaken and transform enabling us to weave the Plant Spirit Dreaming.
Donna Waugh along with her partner Andy Wood are Shamanic healers and workshop leaders.
Upcoming workshop set in 35 acres of woodland in Sussex
Plant Spirit Dreaming Course June 24th-27th 2011
For more information contact us on or
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