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As Bob Dylan would say “the times they are a changing”, but doesn’t every period in history show us that evolution and change are the inevitable signs of development. In recent times we have seen the effect of global communication and internet based network sites aid in the revolutions that have filled our news, with people in oppressive systems standing up and demanding change. We have also witnessed the foolishness of man in deciding to build nuclear plants on unstable land masses, thinking in his arrogance that he can control nature and harness the energy of our planet. In the West we are being bombarded with images and statistics to produce fear; fear to leave our homes due to crime, fear of losing jobs, fear of losing homes, financial fear of losing what we have worked for due to the incompetency of faceless bankers. With people fighting for freedom and others fighting to retain what they have- has something been lost in translation along the way? Take our teenage children who sit in their rooms engaging through virtual worlds with virtual friends, removing themselves from the real world and its splendours. Can we not get caught up with watching the news and views pumped into our homes and the dramas being played out with celebrities in our papers and magazines, anesthetising us from our relationships, our friendships, our family and our connection to our earth.
Of course good can be done with the increase in communications and providing a world wide web. I am using it here for this article and love the movement of information and truth that is now in everyone’s domain. It is just easy in these times of radical change to be watching television or on the internet on networking sites and missing the subtle signs from nature that are at your door. By not walking through the woods with your partner or family, you miss seeing the flowers spring up so early this year or sitting wit

andean offereta
h the tree that has been around far longer than anyone reading this. When life is out of balance look to the earth to connect and rebalance your centre. In my life, shamanism gave me that balance and showed me a path to re remember what our ancestors knew and practiced. Shamanism gave me the tools, rituals and ceremonies to keep connected to the earth, to pachamama and to give back and build a two way relationship through respect and love. As a therapist, teacher and healer for many years before this path unfolded, it has seemed for the 11 years since that all that I have experienced, seen, felt, tasted and smelt has added to the experience of becoming a shamanic healer. All the things that seemed out of step before made sense once I changed the framework from which I viewed life.
I sit in my cottage in the country and look out at my garden today bathed in sunshine and feel blessed. Coming from a council estate in London it is something I never take for granted and I know I will check my e mails, facebook and make a few phone calls but I also know that the day is calling me to walk on the earth, to slow down and be at the pace of nature.
I am lucky to do the work I do, to teach others to become healers, to work with plant spirits and through personal traumas using healings and workshops and I am lucky to live in such times where the chance for change and development is no longer just personal but has the opportunity to be globally transformational.
2011 Shamanic Courses in Sussex
Shamanic practitioners course May-September 2011
Spirit of the woods workshop June 3-5th 2011
Plant Spirit Dreaming June 24-27th 2011
The Shamans Art July 29th-31st 2011
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