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Many of us find ourselves watching the scale begin to inch upward as we blow out the candles marking another year onward. We look at photos and that me? Does my backside really look like that? No... it must be a bad cameraman.
For years I have been able to eat glorious foods and although I would put on a bit and my waistline felt tight...I could always knock off the dessert and pasta for a few days and everything was rosy. Somehow the magic has worn off and I find myself giving into a size larger than I would like to be. I am not alone in this. The dieting industry is alive and well and the companies offering their many solutions aren't the only ones getting fatter. If you were to observe the conversations in the workplace or around your family you would see that many, many people want to look and feel what they imagine in their minds to be the perfect size. It is with this thought that I decided to examine this in a new light.
I am applying my meditation toward this and am beginning to have a clearer understanding. If we as individuals begin to focus on what we would like to achieve, then it truly is a mind-shift. This is available for all. If we set our intent in the direction of the goal we hope to accomplish, we are taking back control of our scales and we are the ones that decide our course.
Science has taught us that we are energy. In order to be a healthy energetic being we need fuel to keep us

at our best. If we are able to move our minds into this thought pattern then we should be able to get the results we so desire. Is it easy? No, but with meditation it can help you fix your focus. Start with little things, allow yourself to create in your mind the self you would like to be. Are the choices you make railroading that self? If so, keep that self in your mind's eye every time you refuel and move toward your goal. For many of us we select a reason— a wedding, a vacation, wearing a swimsuit in public! You reached your goal, the event passes, and slowly you are back to where you started. It was with your mind that you were able to complete that task and by keeping your mind in charge of your choices is the beginning of mental dieting. It's time we got off the roller-coaster and applied a simple approach. If it takes weeks, months, or even years to accomplish the self you want to be, start today by acknowledging that you are making the choices of how you proceed. I will still enjoy my fine cuisine and I will still indulge in celebrations with the people I love— but I will learn to take control of accepting that what is on my plate begins in my mind.
To learn how you can begin meditation please read:
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