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Book 1-Glastonbury Tor
I wish to share my understanding I have acquired from my inner searches and portrayed via my spiritual art and writing as given in this article. My themes are based on nature, both terrestrial and other places and dimensions, like the planets in our solar system, sacred sites, stone circles, trees, crystals and the elemental kingdom, to name a few! I also find the work very healing and inspiring to do. I shall include images from two of the books mentioned.
I have always used my meditative imagery as an explorational tool to help me guide myself into deeper levels of knowing on any given subject, and have been doing this since the 1980’s. So I now wish to share this with you the reader, and hope it will be an inspiration for you too.
I now have the website as given above, so you are welcome to view a larger body of my work there.
THE GIFT OF AN ARTIST – inspiration I received at the beginning of my endeavours to portray what I was aiming to do.
When an artist dedicates his or her artistic life to depicting the realms of spirit, all manner of unexpected and bright vistas come through.
Many beings from faraway heights venture downwards to send the artist inspiration, not just on human levels but many divine beings, and ones from other worlds bring symbolic information of universal understanding. Many strange and wonderful energies exist out of mortal view, speedy vortices, others delicate and intricate, some smooth and soothing, others like visual music, Indian carpets or living Celtic designs, they are many and various and all have much healing properties.
Once an artist reaches such understanding, he or she ceases to think of art as the painting of pretty pictures or any other superficial ideas, it has become a soul searching, universal searching into realms of discovery within the portals of God’s creation.
It is the wish of the artist to echo such energies as seen in meditation or visions, and manifest them onto the physical world so that they can bring healing and harmony into the midst of people, thereby bringing a quickening to their understanding. For on the physical level energies do not seem a reality, for all is slow and little vibrancy is apparent, but on other levels everything sparkles and vibrates like bright sunlight dappling on water, like many gyroscopes in motion, like fluid patterns changing and transforming like a kaleidoscope.
All is motion; all sings and dances. To quicken the physical is to allow people to realize that the universe dances and that the universe is here with us, all around us and within us, the Song Celestial. The more we are aware of this, the more healing can take place. We can all by young at heart, for in spiritual realms all is ageless and full of vibrant energy.
The format of the book gives a brief description of my experiences at each site, and then a suggested meditation to offer as a guide to sensing the energies I was aware of at each site, encouraging the readers to experience their own insights. I added some of my poetry also. There is also history and archaeological information added to round out the experience of these sites.
When I experience the energies at these sites, it is like a shining presence running through me, and I depict spiralling energies which are of the earth coming upwards, and shafts of light which are from higher realms coming downwards. Some sites have either, and some have both, and some have their own particular shapes, like leaves or petals, such as at Glastonbury, as it is a main world chakra, and the petals of the heart chakra may be indicated here. Some are like crosses with fiery centres, like the strong Celtic energies seen in their art, and envisioned in my image at Callanish.
The image I saw at Stonehenge many years ago is a strong energy, with a star at its apex, and felt maybe the energies have been capped for its own protection and it will emerge in time when it is appropriate. Maybe when authorities have left off from perpetuating this site and others as museum pieces, and let them be true sacred sites once more so people can worship, pray and meditate at Stonehenge without being inhibited by turnstiles etc.
The format of the book is that I have painted 82 coloured images, clairvoyantly portrayed as I did in my first book ‘Sacred Sites and Places of Power.’ These images show the energies of the earth as they come up through the aura of those sites, and their guardians. This is a combination of my direct experiences at the sites combined with the story, which I do believe is a fragment of time where these people were real, and I have found this information from the local Akashic records and brought them to life again. Indeed, Meg of Meldon is recorded in our local reference library as having existed.
The tale is of a young apprentice to a village wise woman, and she gets to visit all these sites in her apprenticeship, and relates her communications with the devas and beings at each site. The journey is seen through her eyes and she shares the story of her development. I have also included a number of black and white images too.
All the images and energies are as I saw and experienced them, as with most of the beings and their names, and also the words they expressed are taken from my notebooks.
3RD SACRED SITES BOOK – THE SCOTTISH ORACLE CARDS with an accompanying booklet
A book is also available to complement the cards and gives fuller information
There are five sets in this oracle card set, based on five stone circles in Scotland, and each of them links to the five elements, and I have depicted each of the stones within those circles as they all have their own capacities. The characteristics of each circle is given as follows.
The card sets each have their own characteristics, and the twelve apostles stone circle is more of a knowledge based set.
The Mother circle is very intuitive, of a seership nature, and gives the story of a seer called Ailspa

Planets Book
eth, who lived and worked there.
This stone circle links to the subtle realms well, and it is a gateway to other worlds, to help with soul retrieval work. Also to the lower world for other inner work.
I found the energy here very fiery, of spiritual fire, where energies move and stimulate. It rises from the Earth and can bring sustainance. I found this a good site to ask questions and receive Divine answers and gather inspiration.
This site deals with final releases of personal karmic connections, so the individual can focus on higher frequencies available via this site. Also can link to higher frequency energies that can be directed into the Earth or elsewhere as required.
The method is to spread the cards around you as if you are sitting inside one of the stone circles you are working with. Meditate with all the cards or ones you feel drawn to, as they may wish to give you an intuitive message.
THE PLANETS BOOK – From Apollo to Vulcan
An intuitive journey through the planetary signs
The planets book had grown organically over a period of about ten years, and I had gradually painted these images usually about a month per planet, which I did by meditating on each planet carefully, and would make a simple sketch or two per planet, beforehand. I was inspired to write inspirational meditations to give further explanation to accompany the images, once they were painted.
I had found the images touching and inspiring to paint, and they intuitively resonated with my own understanding of the planets from an astrological level, and the inspiration about them. Somehow, by painting the images in a meditative way synchronised the information I already had as an intuitive knowing on a deeper level, and brought out thoughts and feelings about them, which I couldn’t have done so beforehand.
I have always used my meditative imagery as an explorational tool to help me guide myself into deeper levels of knowing on any given subject, and have been doing this since the 1980’s. So I now wish to share this with you the reader, and hope it will be an inspiration for you too.
This book isn’t available yet on my website yet, it will appear soon as a pdf, and other books likewise will gradually appear on my website.
APOLLO’S REALM – pages from the planets book
Saints and seers, mystics and prophets all looked to my fiery strength, my inner power, the fulcrum of your planetary system – my heart-warming power can emblazon your soul. Reach to me and you reach to the centre of your consciousness. The axiomatic spin sings the same tune as your atomic structures, unknown to you they sing and dance in unison, the tune of the universe. Come and join the universal song, which sings with a powerful voice of love and wisdom, our far-reaching strains break the barriers of limitation!
My gyroscopic energies resonate with a hum, which sends forth a diastolic rhythm like a heart beating, keeping time with the universe. Now energy seems gathered in and now it projects itself outwards, like an ebb and flow, it circumnavigates our universe with its kindly ripples, far reaching light and warmth to touch the hearts of each planet in turn, it gives an inner warmth to each which in turn gives warmth to each soul who lives on the surface.
Why does a gyroscopic energy exist inside the sun? The secret is withheld, yet the power generated by such a shape ever moving this way and that can alter dimensional space because there is no single plane or axis, it moves in all planes and axes, and in its great speed, like a gyroscope toy it does not relate to gravity.
See how it naturally relates to the atomic structure seen in every cell of the body.
Think how you would be if the content of every cell gyrated that fast, you would take off! What potency!
The great coolness is its inter-dimensional energy, there is no friction involved, and it covers the intensity of the shining flare of solar power. Strange as it may seem, flames occur like in the fire by friction, but some cold substances on earth can ignite. It is the intensity of substances, which causes the energy levels to get overactive and hence burst into flames, but the flames are hot as flames are because of the result of energy bursting into activity.
They look like petals, but they are a huge cover, which opens periodically to allow the energy out. Almost like a thermostatic control, and this is what produces the systole and diastole pulsation, and it is echoed in our hearts by the valve movements. Although the heart is a different shape than the sun as it is geared up to the requirements of the human body, it covers the same principles as the sun. It has the seeds of that coolness within it, for it is the most active organ in the body and needs a cooling energy or else it would burn up.
Those radiating spokes are the compass bearing show of force, which gives constant support to all the planets in the solar system, and amazingly enough you have accounted for them all, for Chiron and Vulcan are included, and all these links go out to them all.
Link on human spirits! For the energy is great, think of a line running into your hearts and out up to the sun’s centre. Ask for an in-breath of energy to reach you and give you a sincere loving heart to receive it. Your solar plexus is intimately connected, governing the exoteric energy of the sun, and your heart the esoteric, the source of the flames. See that source of living, loving energy in your hearts.
12 Apositles Grail Cup Stone:
Book 2 Oleander Acomb:
God bless.
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