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There’s been a lot on cosmic ordering in media in recent times, from the “Secret” to Noel Edmonds getting his perfect life. You may have started out reading these books and getting really excited about the possibilities of having your dreams come true and having your very own personal genie. However after you have read the books, written out your orders, carried a £50 note in your wallet, wished and wished till you were exhausted but you are still where you were only a little poorer.
Don’t get me wrong I am not saying that these books are not insightful and they obviously work as there are so many of these books selling worldwide. This blog is aimed at people who have had little success using these books and are wondering what they have been doing wrong, in effect what is the “secret” behind cosmic ordering?
In my line of work I get this question asked frequently, I have come to a stage where manifesting has become part of my everyday life. I get park spaces, seats on the train, perfect colour lipsticks to the more important things in life like finding a life partner, buying a house etc.
How does it work ? I guess I used to be able to do it from a young age without realising, mostly with Food! (food being a big interest) I used think about broccoli ( yes I know not that exciting) and broccoli would be on the canteen menu. I used to think I really need some orange juice and someone would walk out of a meeting room and offer everyone “orange juice”!! I used to think it was a freaky coincidence until I started reading books about manifesting.
I believe there’s many factors that influence whether your wish will come true, these include your core beliefs about you , the universe, what you think you deserve and what you don’t. An example if you see yourself as a fat person, no matter how much wishing you do , you will either still be big or you will loose weight but gain it straight back. Deep within your psyche you don’t believe it’s possible to be thin, you are therefore introducing an element of doubt. The thing about manifesting is that you have to believe from your core of your being that it’s your god given right to have what you desire.
The is other important aspect is that you cannot be attached to the result. Although you want it to happen , if it didn’t happen you still would be ok.
The biggest mistake people make is they put in their wish and then bug the universe. Is my wish done yet, are we there yet? When you put in your order, you have to have faith and trust, if you keep questioning it then that inevitably demonstrates that you don’t have faith
Where to begin? The place to begin is your core beliefs, you need to sit down in a quiet place an go through areas of your life by breaking them down into sections i.e.
Relationships – “It’s hard to be in relationship, it’s hard to meet someone, I always meets losers etc etc”
Work- “to get anywhere in life you have to walk over people, I am a fake; you have to work hard to earn a decent salary”.
Family- “I am always trying to prove myself, I have to be such and such to be loved”
Spirituality- “I am being spiritual? I am not good at this? Do have to retreat from the world? Am I a good person?”
Self- “I hate myself, I am always making mistakes, Iam always messing up, I am an idiot, I hate my body, I am boring, I am not worthy of love”
Friends-“I don’t have many friends, people don’t like me, I am a difficult person to get on with”
Hobbies- “I don’t have interesting hobbies, I never have enough time for myself”.
Write down all your beliefs and see how these beliefs maybe stopping you moving forward. You may have to go back in time to when these beliefs came about. Most of our subconscious beliefs are formed at a very young age. A lot of them were formed to suit the situation at the time but as we grow into adulthood a lot of these no longer serve us but we have them so deeply embedded in our psyche that we are not even aware of them. It’s worth investing time in healing the inner child, in doing so you will have formed strong foundations where cosmic ordering can become a reality.
I believe to have the life that you desire and deserve it’s worth investing time in getting to know yourself and what makes you tick. Positive thinking alone does not work, your core beliefs will always override any conscious efforts.
1) Q: If you have to give the order and forget about it, could visualising your outcome be counter productive?
A: No, it can help reinforce the wish but the key is to do it in a way that does do not question the likelihood of the outcome, just visualise the outcome and believe it will happen .
2) Q: Where is the best way to start?
A: I always say that cosmic ordering is like building up a muscle the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. I always advice to start with something insignificant like a parking space, a seat on the train etc. something that if it weren’t to happen would not be the end of the world.
3) Q: What if I tried to ask for the something insignificant and it didn’t happen?
A: I would say that perseverance is the key. Once you get one or two successes you will understand how it works and you can then move on to bigger things. Look back at your life is there times when you focused your attention on something , wishing you were somewhere, or wanting something and the next minute it happens. This is an example of cosmic ordering, people are successfully doing it without realising it. Also a lot of people believe that for it to work , there has to be a big fanfare and that you have to be really spiritual or righteous - none of this is true as long as you believe in your soul that the life you desire is there for the taking then everything is possible.
4) Q: Isn’t some hardship good for the growth of the soul, if you were to get everything you desired how would you learn lessons and how would you appreciate things?
A: This is a good question, I think that your guide is here to help you learn what you are here to learn and they will set up situations in order for you to do so. However growth does not always equal pain that just what people have perceived to be the truth.
5) Q: How come everyone’s not doing it, if it’s so accessible and easy to do?
A: More and more people are discovering the power of cosmic ordering, but it’s a skill that needs to be mastered like a lot of things in life. Some people are not willing to put in the time to get the result and the majority of the population just don’t believe it. However as we approach 2012 where there’s an expectation of a spiritual revolution more and more people will turn to spiritual pursuits and undoubtedly cosmic ordering will be one area that people will get more comfortable with
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