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My teenager (semi-adult teenager at 17) has just got to the age where he is happy to tell me that he didn't ask to be born. Admittedly, this was after an argument about me hi-jacking his facebook page, (thinking I was being funny - which, actually, I was, but he is at no age to be having a laugh with his highly amusing mother).
Anyway, I digress, it was an ideal time, almost like an Eastenders' moment. You know, the part where Zoe screams "you're not my mother" at her sister Kat, who yells back "yes I am". My son shouts "I didn't ask to be born" and I point out, quietly and calmly, that actually I do believe you did.
'what?' - teenager cannot even pretend to suspend disbelief.
'omg' - yes, he actually speaks like that 'omg'
I try and explain, during the heat of an argument that,before birth everyone chooses their parents. Chooses the role they want to play, the lessons they wish to learn or the life they want to experience. This is what I believe happens, it is what I have believed for years, I have no proof of this.
My own personal belief comes from the fact that we can link with people in spirit after they have passed on. I know there is a spirit world, full of spirit guides, angels, helpers. There is an ascension for every soul, a journey to travel on and an expansion of our own soul, so, knowing this information surely does it not stand to reason that our own births and incarnations do not happen by accident?
Love and light to all parents of Adult/Child-like teenagers x
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