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Turning it around trying to use your own secret by Annielise Stone
Turning it around trying to use your own secret
I have been rather lax with my posts of late and so I feel drawn to at least acknowledge that. We spend so much time in a state or worry of loss and sometimes despair that we are all ignoring our real destiny and self discovery.
Each of us has our own personal crisis nearly every one is affected by the recession which for some countries is worse than others. Those who have jobs are less tolerant of others which in turn make them fearful and weak.
They pretend to look busy and not interested for fear again someone might realise it and then they will be come the UN employed. Whilst I realise that this is a defence again I don’t find it acceptable that another human can be so cruel and rude.
There is an old say there but for the grace of god. So I ask that we all treat each other with a bit more tolerance and respect.
For others who seek love again they only draw to them who they desperately don’t want the cheaters the beaters and liars instead of honestly kindness and loyalty. We easily get dragged into rows confrontations and situations that leave us drained and feeling at a loss.
To give back the hope and the encouragement we have all got to look deep inside of ourselves and recognise that the more we admit failure the more we tell ourselves that we are not worthily in turn we are actually acknowledging the negative side of our natures and so what follows on is more of the same.
My fears my routine of thinking, that everyone is in the same boat only then attaches to me the same fear. To break out of this my intention

create your own picture
is to recognise that I am the master of my own destiny and the more I moan about things not going my way the more I draw from it. The results then follows a deeper pattern and so the landslide progresses.
If you want to escape the situation create a better one. The more you sympathise with how awful or bad or wrong something are again the onus is to acknowledge not the help but you’re giving the ok that’s it acceptable. Words create thoughts thought’s create actions.
Actions create issues. Issue create problems. Positive actions bring results positive results.
The principle of a book called the Secret is working as a part of a partnership of your own synchronicity and creativity. For a while I challenged this not the principle but more the case of how does it work for we all would want a cheque for a huge some of money and we are all worthy causes.
I have recently altered my reasoning slightly for it’s the intention rather than the amount which is the important part. Rather than the amount of money it’s the intention the act.
If we seek out to be more optimistic we draw optimism to us. The affect then is a lighter more up beat result and then in turn follows and up.
If you start the day on a sour note more often or not it follows through. If however you look at the problem with a different tune turn it around then again your find the day can end on a good note.
Remember to get a good out look your first have to create the picture which goes back to an earlier post called the Jigsaw puzzle creating who and what you want in your picture. excerts from this can be found on
Best wishes Annielise
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