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The next phrase of evolution:
The hierarchy of your being and the universal and global mind belt:
The ‘hierarchy of your being’ is an increase of your own spiritual understanding. ‘Being’ means your existence on this planet earth.
Hierarchy is a system of order in a level your energy in your group, it is the place you are existing in the progress of your spiritual enlightenment.
Depending on the level of understanding you have, you may not need to follow other people’s books. Just use the information that they give and recognise what it means to you, but as spiritual being you already have all the info of all things.
Every person has this, its whether they know it or even want to pursue it.
The Mind Belt:
There is a mind belt that all populaces are part of, it is a layer of energy that surrounds the earth, and it is influenced by the conscious thought energy given out by people.
It is a universal and global energy field, this means that what we think and feel affects the whole of the humanity, even though we are not consciously aware of it, because it receives all our thoughts.
It is an atmosphere of consciousness that connects us all together, there is no separation.
Working to the idea that All particles are connected, what we think and feel goes into this globally and universally instantly, all life is connected to it automatically.
I'm being reminded that we are all fields of dynamic particles, our body is layered with these fields of vigour, we are the embodiment of the divine light within our physical body, and our thoughts and actions are affecting everything else, it takes one person to enhance their spiritual awareness, and it will spread exponentially.
It means, be responsible for what we do and feel towards our fellow men, because its being recorded in the GLOBAL MIND FIELD.
Everyone accesses this fied on an unconscious level, it will never give you the instruction that you might get on the third density illusionary drama of earth.
We cannot consciously go into it, but our ‘super-consciousness’ is there all the while working with it and with us on the unconscious level, it gives us thoughts and mindsets, gut feelings, intuition, imagination and ideas as to how to move through our journey in life.
It is never going to be words on paper. It will always be feelings of love, emotions and gratitude, the art is to recognise these instructions when they come into our thoughts and feelings and decide to act on them and take them as a direction that we can use.
As a spiritual free-thinking person, you can help the collective consciousness of humanity by reaching your heart Centre on the high-level and sharing your love, this will radiate out into the global mind altering it.
As you reach your heart Centre and heart/coherence of love and gratitude you begin to emit your light like the Sun, which then gives out all your love, discharging it into the global mind, you are consciously acting on this to help others to reach their goal.
You give out Spiritual light for the benefit of others as the Sun does, this enables your spiritual growth, and lifts others.
The Sun converts its energy from a high dynamism by using a decrease transformer from higher to lower, so that it can serve humanity on earth, it is slowly changing the capacities of the Earth by radiating its light.
The frequency of love given out by the heart centre and heart/coherence of love and gratitude has the intense effect of expanding exponentially once in the mind belt, effecting humanity and earth.
The higher-level of consciousness is fast’ compared to the lower level of consciousness, so the higher our consciousness is the more we are radiating out love to the mind belt and humanity.
As a person becomes more conscious, they contribute more energy towards the global mind therefore serving humanity by raising your own consciousness.
Be love. Be light. Be happy:
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