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Best-selling, self-realization author
There is nothing that we are drawn to know by Love's invitation that won't grant us for our journey the gift of a greater relationship with Love. What this means in practical terms is that if we want to receive love, we have to give it. Here are some ideas to help you begin this journey of the Heart:
First, give your love to something. Do something with your love. Find something you love and then set out to make it your own. Never mind if you don't have any one love for any one thing in this life. Forget the whole idea of love for the moment and ask yourself: "To what am I drawn? What is it that interests me?"
Never mind if you are attracted to something but feel unable to start because you are afraid of failing in your quest. Be assured of this: Whatever it may be that you are drawn to know -- whether it is to learn a new skill, grow a flower garden, develop an artistic skill, to help others, design clothes or cars, or set out towards a deeper interior life whose center is Love Herself -- I tell you the only thing that matters is that you just start!
You can't know this yet, but it is Love that calls you to Her side for whatever is your eventual choosing, and it is Love within you that feels this drawing. So do you know what this means? Just consider: Love will not, cannot fail Herself. It is more likely the sun would fall from the sky than for Love not to begin to shine through your nascent efforts. Your first reward will be to feel the warmth of knowing you are nearing the beginning of a whole New Life.
Forget what others may think of you for your new aim to do your heart's desire. Disregard those whose reality is a rut! Misery wants company. Do Love's bidding instead. Persist with your working wish and Love will grant you the company of Herself. And as you gradually draw nearer to Her side you will know that nothing anyone thinks towards you could possibly add one cubit to your stature.
Brush aside any concerns you have (for whatever the reasons) of being unable to make a "big" beginning. Just start where you are and with what you have -- even if this means taking a step so small that not one person on earth notices you have just left one world and entered another. Any beginning that you will make for the sake of answering the call of your heart is the same as a beginning whose happy ending already resides right within that same initial action.
Don't be the least concerned if you can't seem to find the time -- or the energy -- to get going because of life's seemingly endless "duties" to family or friends. Drop these punishing (and false) ideas. Listen instead to this promise that Love makes to anyone willing to draw near enough to hear Her whisper Her secret:
Do what you must to make time and you will see that the energy you need to succeed will be given to you.
Love lends her force to the entire universe, so don't you think that if you were to ask rightly for a bit of it -- for Her sake -- that She would give you the measure you need? Of course She will! All you need do is just make some time, give some moments to your intended journey. Even if all you can muster to get started with is two minutes a day, just place your attention on what you want to love, and it will love you back by giving you a bit of itself.
This article is excerpted from Apprentice of the Heart (pages 139-141).
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