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A phrase found frequently on my lips these days is “I do not understand” the words being caused by news items on the TV or in newspapers.
I do not understand why someone born with a white skin thinks they are superior to someone born with a black skin or any of the shades in-between. In my eyes the colour of your skin is immaterial. It is the person you are — your character, intelligence, personality that is important and what differentiates us from one another. I do not judge people by the colour of their skin.
I do not understand why persons born of the male sex are considered to be more intelligent than those of the female sex. We are all born with certain abilities, talents and brains and it is up to us as individuals how we use these. Gender has nothing whatsoever to do with it.
I do not understand why someone who attends a church of a certain denomination thinks that the way they worship God is correct and all other denominations are wrong. Suicide bombers think that by killing innocent civilians of different religious beliefs from themselves that they are finding favour in the eyes of their deity. As Spiritualists we know that God is uninterested in “Labels” and it is the way we live our lives that decides our place in the next world.
I do not understand why so many in the world think that animals, birds and other living creatures are put on the earth for us to use as we will. They, like us, are part of God’s family to be born into this world, to live out their life span and eventually like us to die and enter the next world. They were not created to be a source of food for humans, a source of entertainment (fox hunting, going on a “Shoot”, acting as performers in circuses, or living out their lives in zoo cages.). Nor should they be used for scientific experiments. They are our younger brothers and sisters and as such, we are their guardians.
I do not understand why a woman thinks that to wear a coat made from an animal’s murdered body gives her an importance in the eyes of the world. They are accessories to the murder of innocent animals — minks, foxes, bears, rabbits. I worship a God who said “Thou shalt not kill!”
I do not understand the justice system of my country where murderers are sentenced to so many years in prison and then are released after serving only half of that sentence. Their victims lives have been cut short. They cannot be brought back to life. A life sentence should mean the rest of your life.
I do not understand why innocent pedestrians are being stabbed to death on the streets of our cities and by complete and unknown strangers. Also why does a fight between teenage boys end in a stabbing and not in a bloody nose or a black eye as would have happened years ago.
I do not understand why children are being murdered by their own parents. Mother love and parental protection are supposed to be the strongest emotions aroused when children are born. Animals have been known to sacrifice their own lives to save their young.
I do not understand why our religious leaders seem to be accepting of the low moral standards in the country and especially among their own clergy. We look to them as examples of how we should live our lives and be pleasing in the eyes of God and yet they are known to cover up the sins of paedophile priests.
I do not understand why people think that if they are born of one nationality that they are better and superior to others of a different nationality. Patriotism is a fine thing and I expect everyone to be proud of their own country (although all nations have shameful episodes in their past) but not to despise those of other countries and different nationalities.
What I do understand is that when we all make our transition to the next world we will face accountability for the life we have led and the actions we have performed. You cannot hold others responsible for your life and the beliefs you have accepted without question. There is a divine justice in the next world, records are kept and the books will be balanced.
I am offering a free copy of my paperback book “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. Please contact me by email
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