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Are you Psychic?
The short answer to the question - are you psychic, is that YOU ARE though you may not know it. A very young personality's' memory is short on specifics -they live in a momentary world in which their intuitive faculty dominates their expressions. As we get older we tend to push this capability to the back of our minds as we evolve in the physical world; objective realisations develop, patterns of behaviour are remembered and logical thinking becomes the order of the day.
But you will have your moments; unexplained hunches, prophetic dreams, inexplicable insights into other people and events. You may even experience a loud inner voice advising or defining; you may have flashes of clairvoyance -pictures that appear unasked for on the back plate of the mind. You may smell an odour or perfume not recognised by anyone else; you may have a déjà vu experience you cannot explain.Mediumship is a practice commonly related to Spiritualism, Spiritism, the New Age. though practice and development varies greatly in the world.
A medium is essentially defined as a go-between linking this world with afterlife dimensions. Mediums in the main are described as people who, psychically gifted, make connections with the afterlife and relay messages from the so-called dead to the living. To make these contacts mediums must achieve a shift in consciousness, in which the higher vibratory senses can interact with the physical world by language that recipients can understand.
The medium generally attempts to facilitate communication between non-mediumistic people and spirits who may have messages to share. A medium may appear to listen to and relate conversations with spirit voices; go into a trance and speak without knowledge of what is being said; allow a spirit to enter their body and speak through it; relay messages from the spirits those who wish to contact them with the help of a physical tool, such as a writing implement.
Being psychic is having awareness of the higher expression of the senses -clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience; seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching which also means feeling. Whilst most psychics will experience the expression of all senses in their higher form, most will only express commonly with maybe one or two senses.
The experience can be phenomenal, that is being physically aware of a higher sense perception, for example -seeing a person or energy formation as part of the world about them and hearing as if someone physically was speaking to you. A medium is a psychic with the ability to act as a 'go between'.A 'go between' is a person who carries messages to and from another person or group of people. it must be doing of some kind and since the medium doesn't own the message they receive, doing is the function of delivering the message.
The mediums experience of consciousness will be radically different from that enjoyed in the ordinary everyday world of living in which attachments and relationships govern the expression of our consciousness, the medium in practise operates in a momentary sense of time with an intensity of feeling and thought that has minimal awareness of the outside world.The action of mediumship promotes transformation; both recipient and medium are affected by the information that is relayed.
Mediums in the main are described as people who, make connections with the afterlife and relay messages from the so-called dead to the living. To make these contacts mediums must achieve a shift in consciousness, in which the higher vibratory senses can interact with the physical world with language that recipients can understand. mediumship is a pathway that connects worlds within worlds, occasionally literal, but mostly interpretative. Why interpretative? Communications usually comprise several forms of expression simultaneously. For example, a picture can be accompanied by speech, sensation and a sense of time, when received the picture may be the strongest impression, the speech most fleeting, the sensation and the sense of time triggering associated ideas and conditions in our conscious mind. We may also include our subconscious bias, which may 'tailor' the meaning of the message.
A good relationship with key communicators makes the distinction between the psychic who manifests information with good intentions and the medium that with this psychic and spiritual partnership can give a spiritual perspective from the link established. mediumship is a calling, a priestly function and covers not only communication from the afterlife but also the channelling of healing and creative forces. The spiritual intent of all mediumistic demonstration is Healing in one form or another.
Thankyou for taking the time to read this, light and laughter always.....kev
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