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My life changing
11 hour day
Interestingly, my first sighting wasn't in a crop circle. It was on the edge of one.
The smokey white figure, the shape of a man I thought, stood looking at us then moved at great speed towards some scrub on the roadside. It was a clear and unusually hot July British day. I remember thinking how ghosts can not move with such high speed.
Later I felt my right ear start to heat up. We were about to leave a wonderful crop circle. Usually my ear burning signals a message coming through, but no I saw something, it was a figure close to me. I braced my body as best I could. Finally I braved a peek to my right. It was an organic helmet for the head. I suppose if I saw underneath, I might have had a stroke. It had something similar to a J symbol with a hole to dot the top of it. The whole symbol was blackest black.
Next circle we visited there were 5 beings exactly the same as one before standing together. I remember saying to my friend they are now grouping.
Recently I found an article about a policeman spotting a male like figure dressed in white moving at incredible speed in the same Wilshire area a month or so after my sighting.
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