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After watching the YouTube clip below I promptly purchased a copy of "The Autistic Revolution: Children In the Time of Awakening" via the Abramam-Hicks website. Having an autisic child myself I'm no stranger to the condition and the impact it can have on people's lives. I have always had a very positive mindset with regards to these children and knew somewhere deep inside of myself that they are a different kind of human for a different kind of world.
For those of you unfamilier with the work of Abraham-Hicks, I will fill in the pieces before I get started. Esther Hicks is a trance medium who has been verbally channelling an infinite intelligence entity known as Abraham for well over 20 years. The majority of their work is about bringing the knowledge of the Law-of-Attraction and it's many teachings into the metaphyscal areana. They really are the pioneers in this field. Although the knowledge has always been available, it was largly kept secret or not well publised before.
The DVD starts off giving the viewer a brief but comprehensive lesson in the mechanics of the Law-of-Attraction and how we help manifest the world around us by our desires and emotions. Essentially, if we always focus on the things we don't want through our desires and give it enough power through our emotions then we end bringing the very things we don't want into our lives. It can be quite an art to change our thought patterns.
Abraham then invites members of the audience to come up and ask questions. One parent wanted to know how she could help her child fit in, she was frustated with an education system that's basically flawed and doesn't accommedate these kids. She had fears that her child was being let down, and how she could shape her child to fit into the system.
What Abraham went on to say about these kids is that they are being born in ever increasing numbers, the current ratio is now 1 in 150 being diagnosed with autism, making it more common than pediatric cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined. They are being born at this time for a very special reason. These kids are effectively hard wired in way that they can't be socialised, conditioned or moulded in to anything other than who they truly are. Because we are now rapidly evolving into a higher state being, also known as the great shift, ascension and the awakening. For a very long time humanity has been controlled and manipulated by very powerful people who have shaped the world the way they want it, mostly through fear. That was a wonderful lesson when we were learning the contrasts with respect to duality and polarity. However we are now moving out of this game into a world where we become who we truly are, we connect back with our higher self and work with the heart rather than the head. For a long time we have been controlled through our emotions using fear as the primary tool to control us. Many of us are apparently co-creating a world around us through the lens of fear.
Now what these kids offer is a lens that is untouchable. You can't tell these kids what to do, they are hard-wired to only do things their way. It has to be on their terms. You can't control them like sheep, it's simply won't work. The reason for this is that they don't have the same problems we have with emotions where people can use guilt or fearful tactics to get them to do things they don't want to do. Because of this they apparently only co-create what is in harmony with their higherselfs. They don't lean into negative thinking or extreme negative emotions to co-create what they don't want. They exist in the Now, creating exactly what is needed in every moment.
Trying to mould these kids simply won't work. They can be blissfully happy if we just let them BE. Abraham mentioned that they are probably the least person you should worry about, because they simply only co-create what is in alignment with their higher guidance. Imagine a world where a large portion of the population works this way, no longer can old systems based on control or systems with outdated methods of teaching, function. The world will have no choice but to change around them, because they sure won't change for nobody.
You can watch a clip below.
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