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Agni Manitite
Agni Manitite is the name given to a newly discovered stone found on a remote island in the Indonesian archipelago. The name derives from the ancient Sanscrit term Agni Mani, which means "Pearl of the Divine Fire".
Agni Manitite is a stone of initiation. When one invites its energies to merge with ones own, it can tip the scales turning what is merely possible into something actual, transforming potential into manifestation. When one is working toward spiritual awakening and transformation of the self, Agni Manitite can push one for
Agni Manitite
ward into the inner processes that need to occur.
Agni Manitite has a Kundalini activating quality and should also be used when working with Kundalini Yoga, healing the Sacral Chakra, and with Tantric practices. It emanates the Solar fire of the Sun behind the sun." Agni Manitite has several spiritual connections to Krishna & Sirius.
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