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Best-selling, self-realization author
Imagine for a moment you're driving home from work, or wherever, and that you've just come from having a pretty rough day. As you drive along, your eyes see the road before you, but your mind is in the past. It's very busy re-running all of the day’s unpleasant events.
Over and over again, you feel that painful stab of some thoughtless remark someone cruelly blurted out, or the embarrassment of that stupid comment you made without thinking. And with each mental replay of this unpleasant scene, you go deeper and deeper into thought, desperately trying to find a way to escape what seems an intolerable situation.
But what you don't see happening to you is that the more you think, the more you sink! Exactly the opposite of what you think you're accomplishing. And the deeper you sink in thought, the less you're able to see what the rest of you is doing.
Driving recklessly, speeding, missing the exit you want – these, and other equally dangerous stunts, are only a few of the foolish things that happen to you while driving under the influence of a stream of self-compromising, self-wrecking thoughts.
Your life, in moments such as these, is actually out of your hands. It belongs to your thinking, to the “me-first” mind. This undeveloped nature doesn't understand what it's doing to itself, or to you, as it struggles to find a way out from under the weight of its own unconscious actions.
What the “me-first” mind doesn't understand is that freedom is a state of being; the relief it seeks can never be a creation of thought. But there's good reason for this lower nature's ignorance, as well as for its covert efforts to keep us asleep in a similar state.
The “me-first” mind is out of business the moment we wake up to realize that free is what we are each time we can catch ourselves about to build another prison out of thought. Our awakened awareness instantly cancels our captivity. And as our self-created bondage fades, so does our desperate need to escape! What this lower consciousness doesn't want us to know is that we are already free.
For over 40 years Guy Finley has helped individuals around the world find inner freedom and a deeper, more satisfying way to live. His in-depth and down-to-earth teachings cut straight to the heart of today’s most important personal and social issues – anxiety, fear, self-discovery, meditation, relationships, addiction, stress, compassion, and personal peace. His work is widely endorsed by doctors, business professionals, celebrities, and spiritual leaders of all denominations.
Guy is the author of 45 books and video/audio programs, including his international bestseller “The Secret of Letting Go,” that have been translated into 30 languages and have sold millions of copies worldwide.
He has a weekly program on, and is a regular contributor to numerous print and online publications.
Guy is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation, a nonprofit Center for Spiritual Discovery located in southern Oregon, with tens of thousands of online newsletter subscribers worldwide. His talks are live-streamed free from the Foundation twice each week.
A Life of Learning outreach program is OneJourney, a growing, international community. In a world where differences among people are tearing us apart, OneJourney uses the wisdom of the ages to show that the journey to wholeness is an inner journey that is essentially the same for all people and all religions throughout time. It’s just been described in different words. The OneJourney site and its ever-expanding Living Book helps us meet life in a new way so that we no longer fight with events, but can use everything to grow stronger while making the world a better place.
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